Baray Chan Dek Pagoda

Wat Baray Chan Dek Pagoda

By Try Socheata

Baray Chan Dek Pagoda is located in Tros Village, Ballang Commune, Baray District, Kompong Thom Province. During the Khmer Rouge regime, this pagoda was used as a security center in the Central Zone and was noted as a killing site in Case 004 of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

About 2,000 people died in this pagoda from torture and execution, according to an interview with survivors from this security center conducted by the Documentation Center of Cambodia. Many of the victims were buried in the pagoda compound. After the Khmer Rouge regime collapsed, the bones of the victims were taken from about 200 pits and stored in pagodas. Later, local residents and NGOs with support from an international fund built the memorial stupa in the pagoda to keep the bones of all the victims who had died during the Khmer Rouge regime.

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