Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Institute of Technology of Cambodia​ or Munti K-15

By MMC Editorial

Credit to ITC

The Institute of Technology, known as Sala Techno, was established in 1964 and funded by the Soviet Union. It was called the Superior Technology Institute of Khmer–Soviet Friendship.

As it is located not very far from the airport, the Khmer Rouge used the school compound as a transit camp for the scholars who returned to Cambodia between 1975 and1976. The returnees included scholars and the National United Front of Kampuchea (the exiled government led by the late King Sihanouk based in Beijing between 1970 until 1976). The Khmer Rouge had a code name for the school: “Munti K-15”. For three days before they were sent to labor camps elsewhere, the intellectuals received re-education and were taught about the policies of the Communist Party of Kampuchea.

After the fall of the Khmer Rouge, the Soviet Union resumed its support for the school from 1982 until 1991. The French government began its support in 1993 after the Soviet Union fell. The Institute of Technology of Cambodia was under the management of AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) until 2004. Now it is under the Ministry of Education’s public higher education institutions.

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